responsief ontwerp bij Meij web Design

Our WordPress Design package includes a professional child theme and Genesis Framework (value of 100 euro). This frame work is the industrial standard for a well working website. If you order any of the 3 packages, the child theme and the Genesis framework are included.

All designs are Responsive and coded with HTML5


Web Shop Themes
webwinkel thema voor wordpress: pretty creative pro
wordpress kind webwinkel thema voor genesis: devine thema
wordpress webwinkel met pretty chic thema en woocommerce
WordPress webwinkel thema Jessic Woo met woocommerce, ithemes exchange en wp ecommerce

Parallax Web Designs

WordPress Child Themes of Genesis: Altitude Pro theme
WordPress Child Themes of Genesis: included in a webdesign pack - paralax pro theme
WordPress Child Themes of Genesis:agency pro theme

Lange Home Pagina Designs

WordPress Child Themes of Genesis centric  pro thme
Genesis webdesign Remobile Pro Theme

Galerie and Portfolio Webdesigns

WordPress chid theme: agentpress pro theme
WordPress webdesign : Modern Portfolio Pro Theme
web design Author Pro Theme
WordPress Child Themes of Genesis: Expose Pro Theme
web design portfolio Minimum Pro theme
webdesign portfolio Ambiance Pro Theme

Restaurants and Cafe’s Web Designs

Meij website designs in Delft cafe pro theme
Meij webdesign Den Haag daily dish pro theme

Nieuws and Magazines

Meij WordPress webdesign: News Pro Theme
Meij webdesign Den Haag: metro pro theme
Genesis childtheme: magazine pro theme
WordPress webdesign: Streamline Pro Theme
Meij Design & Survey in Delft Genesis theme: lifestyle pro theme

Dienst Verlenende Bedrijven

web design: Enterprise Pro Theme
WordPress theme: Executive Pro Theme
website design theme: white space pro theme
website design theme: Outreach Pro Theme

Onderwijs Web Ontwerp

Meij webdesign Delft: Education Pro Theme

Blog Web Designs

modern studio pro theme
eleven 40 pro theme
sixty nine pro theme
Focus Pro Theme
Meij website Genesis theme: Going Green Pro Theme
Meij website theme: beautiful pro theme
Meij WordPress website : Wintersong Pro Theme
Meij website theme in Delft: The 411 Pro theme
web design: portfolio Generate Pro Theme


The advantage of these professional web designs are:

  • Price is low, because StudioPress has more than 134.000 customers
  • Responsive and mobile-friendly, Google index loves this part
  • Coded with HTML5, improving your site’s ability to deliver audio and video
  • Search Engine Optimized, with clean, optimized code + smart design architecture
  • Updating is simple and secure, guaranteed by StudioPress thoroughness testing
  • Security, best possible via the extra layer of Genesis Framework
  • Comments including threaded comments and Gravatar integration
  • Thumbnails with featured image capability
  • Most themes are ready for advertising
  • Themes have options like lay-out and color scheme
  • Themes have different page functions: home, blog, landing pages
  • Changing of your Theme is simple
  • Unlimited Support will be given by StudioPress *
  • unlimited Updates will be given by StudioPress *
  • StudioPress has own exclusive plugins for sharing and sliders

*just buy the Theme directly from StudioPress via these pictures: the price will be deducted.


StudioPress sold already more than 175.000 web designs and they even have their own free plugins.